Embedded documents are almost identical to Documents with one exception: they are saved inside of another document instead of in their own collection. For example, lets say we have orders and orders have line items.
class Order
include MongoMapper::Document
many :line_items
class LineItem
include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument
key :name, String
key :quantity, Integer
Order.create(:line_items => [
LineItem.new(:name => 'Undershirt', :quantity => 5),
LineItem.new(:name => 'Underwear', :quantity => 5),
LineItem.new(:name => 'Socks', :quantity => 3),
By including EmbeddedDocument instead of Document, MongoMapper knows to store the line items inside of the orders. In Mongo, this would create a collection named orders with one document that contained 3 line items. Below is what the document would look like represented in Ruby.
"created_at"=>Fri Jan 21 18:57:12 UTC 2011,
"updated_at"=>Fri Jan 21 18:57:12 UTC 2011,
"line_items"=> [
{"name"=>"Undershirt", "quantity"=>5, "_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4d39d708bcd1b368fc000001')},
{"name"=>"Underwear", "quantity"=>5, "_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4d39d708bcd1b368fc000002')},
{"name"=>"Socks", "quantity"=>3, "_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4d39d708bcd1b368fc000003')}