Since MongoDB is schema-less, models specify the schema for a document. Each document is made up of keys. Keys are named and type-cast so you know your data is stored in the correct format.
class Person
include MongoMapper::Document
key :first_name, String
key :last_name, String
key :age, Integer
key :born_at, Time
key :active, Boolean
key :fav_colors, Array
Now that we have defined our schema, we can create, update and delete documents.
person = Person.create({
:first_name => 'John',
:last_name => 'Nunemaker',
:age => 27,
:born_at => Time.mktime(1981, 11, 25, 2, 30),
:active => true,
:fav_colors => %w(red green blue)
person.first_name = 'Johnny'
# or you could do this to destroy